
Thanks for pointing me to that tutorial. I just finished the first section, and I skimmed over the complete document. It seems to give a good impression on how development with Squeak can be done.

In the coming days, I will certainly be doing the other sections.

There is some hope left for me after all...👍

Op 26 feb. 2018 22:11 schreef "Ben Coman" <>:

On 23 February 2018 at 13:16, Edwin Ancaer <> wrote:

What do you use Squeak for?

Unfortunately, I mostly just follow the list.  My experience is limited to elementary experiments: just defining some classes, and using them in a workspace, using the transcript to inspect the results. 

If you don't use Squeak, why not?

I just don't seem to get it. I think I master the building blocks, I get what is in the SBE book, but somehow, I don't see how to tie the pieces together into something that looks like a regular application. 

Hi Edwin,

You might like Stephan Wessels "LaserGame" tutorial.  Its is a great end-to-end tutorial for developing a regular application.

I'd suggest you do it in Squeak 3.9 to closely match the version the tutorial was done in...

cheers -ben


If you used Squeak in the past and don't now, what pulled you away?

To be honest, it's more a mystery what keeps pulling me towards Squeak, given my poor results until now.

What does Squeak lack that you think might make you use it for 'regular' development?

I am not in a position to answer this question.

What things are too hard or annoying to do?

Everything is hard, but not annoying. I probably need to get more general knowledge of the 'Object Oriented' paradigm, and some UI design skills. A 30+ year career in mainframe development left me a very procedural guy, and a UI for me has 30 lines with 132 colums each.

What would you like to be able to use Squeak for?

What got me interested was reading about Squeaknos, turtles all the way down, at one of those moments I was struggling once more with a linux upgrade that destroyed the GNUstep installation I had managed to install.
Now I see this is miles beyond my reach, but that was the spark.

Currently, I'm trying to build an intelligent doorbell, with Squeak and a Raspberry Pi that was laying around here. Now if only it would just ring outside the simulation.
Did I mention my knowledge of electronics is far below average.....

I don't know if this is of much use to you, but since you asked....

tim Rowledge;;
C for sinking, java for drinking, Smalltalk for thinking