
To have Pier2 application enabled, you should manually (in workspace) register it for now (the same in official Seaside-3.0rc Pharo based image).  Just check PRPierFrame class, where there is no #initialize method yet, meaning that after doing (WADispatcher resetAll) you will lose Pier2 app.

Looking at Seaside-3.0rc Pharo based image, Kom is the default.
Thanks for pointing to the Seaside's control panel, yes it's better to use.

Also, after loading all Seaside stuff, the default system browser is changed to OmniBrowser (which is default for Pharo). So, this could be changed to default Squeak system browser manually in Window menu.


On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Tobias Pape <> wrote:

Am 2010-07-21 um 11:02 schrieb Nikolay Suslov:

> ..and after all is loaded do:
> "Register Pier2 on Seaside"
> PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed: 'pier')
> "Start Comanche server"
> WAComancheAdaptor startOn: 8080.

However, this is a bit ‘short-sighted’[1]

There is the Seaside control panel in the ‘Open…’ menu,
that manages all Adaptors currently reigstered etc.pp.

I’d propose to include this way to the Seaside control panel
instead of the startOn: doit. (if more than one Kom is started,
it will fail anyways). Isn‘t Swazoo more common as default
adaptor now?

So Long,

[1] does this exist in English?