Then you can show them how enterprisey is Sun for not having an amd64 port for the java plugin:

Or maybe this for adobe flash:

So, man, don't give up. Keep trying, use virtualbox on your amd64 machine and install a 32bits debian or use a chroot and *develop*
your application. When you have it right show it to the managers, not the sysadmins. Convince them of the advantages, of the fact that you alone built that preciouse app and that if they support you, you can take them to the forbes 100 with just a pair of great smalltalk/squeak/seaside develpers, a couple of months and a simple call to the sysadmin to install a chroot in his beloved amd64 machine. Maybe, if you use sweet words the manager approve the money for a brand new machine where the sysadmin should have to install a chroot to host your marvelous app. You see, with a bit of effor you will have your own server. The sky is the limit.

Miguel Cobá

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 5:20 PM, Edward Stow <> wrote:
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Miguel Enrique Cobá Martínez
<> wrote:

> >
>  I use squeak inside a chroot as per instructions here:
>  as there is no 64 bit perfect setup for squeak
>  I installed squeak inside the chroot with the repositories from
> (section other OSes)
>  hope this help

Yes is does -- it does confirm that a simple install is not available
for amd64 architecture.  By simple, I mean  sudo apt-get install

And it doesn't.  I have a hard time convincing my sys admins and their
bosses to take seriously a package that does not have a
straightforward install process on 64 bit machines.

chroot'ing in their words is for 'legacy and un-supported systems that
should not be installed on a production server.'

I am trying to set up a demonstration server that will allow squeak
with seaside to be considered a viable alternative.  I should say that
I'm not a sys admin and am feeling very frustrated with the lack of
installable options.

So please ... could those that maintain the debian and / or other os
vms create an installable 64 bit deb and / or rpm.



Edward Stow