Thank's Stef,

I like it. For sure I lack the knowledge to understand the 'killer technology' but I know nothing about composition :-)



Am 17.03.2021 um 17:42 schrieb Stéphane Rollandin:
Impressive! As an outer world person I looked through the site but didn't find any Screenshots. *I'd like to see the UI you're working in, be it a lot of workspaces.* My UI usually is inspectors / explorers on Objects with messages I send to them. Sometimes just some buttons placed in the World. Making a GUI often is more than doubling the effort.


P1.png shows the graph of song parts, each in a box, and an explorer opened on the first of these boxes from where the composition final tweaks are performed via plain code.

P2.png shows the contents of one of the boxes. The upper window is a score editor with several melodic line generators, the bottom left window is a projection playground which is the killer technology I am proud to have invented about twenty years ago now, and where raw melodic structures are generated, to be further processed by the above mentioned melodic line generators.

So there is not a single UI, but instead multiple editors referencing each other. The navigation is heavily driven by rich menus that can be interactively destructured to yield buttons and sets of controls such as the "prototype setting" sliders in P2.png.

But mostly it is a mess.
