On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 at 17:39, Stéphane Rollandin <lecteur@zogotounga.net> wrote:
 > Some feedback on the gameplay.


 > 1. After transfer to a robot the view direction is reversed so you are
 > looking at the robot you just came from to make it quicker to absorb.
 > But it doesn't reverse the height vector, so if you build a high tower
 > of boulders, its annoying and time consuming to arrow down to view the
 > previous robot.

Yes, it is annoying. But this is part of the gameplay. Consider this: at
times, what you want from a high-level position on a stack of boulders
is a fast view on another high spot (such as, obviously, the sentinel).
Once transferred, you just have to press the arrows or U (do not
underestimate the importance of a fast u-turn) to get that. If you were
looking down, it would be a problem.

Okay. I udnerstand.

Actually I've since discovered that I don't need to be look up directly at the target robot,
I can keep looking at the base where I was looking when laying down the first boulders.
With that its reasonable.

 > 5. A key to look directly at sentinels would be nice.
 > After transferring to a new robot the first thing I want to do is check
 > my visibility to the sentinel.
 > If the transfer was steeply up/down it can be disorientating and time
 > consuming to find the sentinel.

This is definitely intended. Every action from the player has to be
expensive to some extent. And no help for automatic orientation should
be provided.


In short, I have attempted to recreate a game that I know well and that
I played a lot in my youth. I believe I succeeded in the sense that the
feeling and atmosphere I get from Guardians is very close to what I got
from The Sentinel (with a different balance of features and performance
though). So I would say give it a chance and let it grow on you. It is a
very peculiar game.

Now overall do you enjoy the game, or are those annoying parts actually,
well, annoying?

By way of answer I'll just say that I've cracked level 400.  
I'd say the most annoying thing about it is that is very distracting.
I did need a break from some heavy reading I'm doing, but not that much. 

Well done with the game.
cheers -ben