On 9/20/07, Ramon Leon <ramon.leon@allresnet.com> wrote:

Any "real" namespaces solution will eventually be rejected because it's not
a small change and a vocal part of the community doesn't want it, just wait,
you'll see.

I'm aware of this. I think it's a shame because almost every other programming language supports encapsulated namespaces. Even C does to some extent - if you don't #include code, you can't use it.

I plan to keep my namespaces packages available and maintained on the PackageUniverse so it's there if people want to use it. It also happily co-exists in an image next to the SystemDictionary, so no great sacrifices are made to use it. The main issue is that I gave up trying to get Monticello to save Namespaced code[1], so you need to use my own proprietary packaging format.


[1] http://people.squeakfoundation.org/person/mikevdg/#6