Concerning the licence, please consider using MIT if you want integration in Squeak/Pharo.


2009/6/21 Damien Cassou <>
Hi Ralph,

if you would like your new implementation to replace the old one in
Squeak, you might want to write unit tests. These tests ensure that
there is no problem.

Have a nice day

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Ralph Boland<> wrote:
> I finally released my first project to the repository.
> Its called FasterSets.  It makes sets faster by not doing compares during
> grow operations which makes adding to sets use about 14% fewer compares
> on average during an add: operation assuming no deletions or preallocation
> of space before adding elements. Code for measuring performance is included.
> See Class FastSetsComment.
> Comments welcome.
> I consider the project complete but am willing to make changes as required
> or give permissions for others to do so or to take over the project.
> My hope is that this code will be incorporated into Squeak someday.
> I have not signed any release forms to allow this but am willing to do
> so.
> The project runs in Squeak 3.10.2  but can be easily modified to work
> in previous
> versions of Squeak.
> Regards
> Ralph Boland

Damien Cassou

"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry