Squeaksource.com should see an increase in performance in the next day! I just removed two layers of indirection (proxy -> proxy -> squeaksource) and re-programmed the IP address of the DNS A record to point directly to the real server per your request.

That's my refactoring contribution to the community this week. Hold your applause.



On 1/31/06, Adrian Lienhard < adi@netstyle.ch> wrote:
yes, the new server (not kilana) listens on port 80 and kilana:8888
proxies requests to it. So the time for the change of the DNS record
does not matter.


On Jan 31, 2006, at 05:08 , Colin Putney wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2006, at 10:54 PM, John Pierce wrote:
>> Ah -- never mind my last message. I have the A record pointing to
>> right now. Not sure who that is is, but that's what
>> was decided before. I will make the change to the IP you suggest
>> below once you confirm the timeline.
> That's the proxy I set up when you had problems a few months ago.
> If kilana is listening on port 80 now, it's not necessary anymore.
> Colin

It's easy to have a complicated idea. It's very very hard to have a simple idea. -- Carver Mead