On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 7:10 PM, Jecel Assumpcao Jr. <jecel@merlintec.com> wrote:
One problem is that the standard Linux distributions (including those
optimized for the Pi) don't include a complete Squeak (or Pharo). An
option would be to create a new distribution just for such a contest. In
fact, it could be an extremely stripped down Linux focused exclusively
on running Squeak (like Dan Ingalls did for his weather station). One
advantage of that is that the boot time would be much smaller than what
people are used to.

My brother and I have been experimenting with Tiny Core Linux, which is available on the Pi as piCore.

It boots in 12 seconds, from power on to login prompt, on a Pi 2. That gives you wifi plus an openssh server. It would probably add a few seconds to get a graphical shell running, which it also includes.

- Jon