On 11/5/20 7:41 PM, Thiede, Christoph wrote:

Good catch! That's clearly a bug IMO. #extension should use #copyAfterLast: rather than #copyAfter:.

On the other, FSReferenceTest >> #testBaseAndExtension explicitly defines a test where it says:

"Note that the extension of a complex extension starts from the first period up until the end"

Worse, it's inconsistent with #withExtension: -

((FSPath / 'foo.bar.zot') withExtension: 'zaz') = (FSPath / 'foo.bar.zaz')


On 11/5/20 7:43 PM, tim Rowledge wrote:
For the 'normal' FileDirectory stuff in the image, the extension would work ok here. I'm not familiar with FSPath - that's the package Colin Putney wrote a while back?

This is part of package FS-Core that the Squeak config wizard loads as part of the Git support.
