Hello Denis,

I dipped into your BehaviorMockup package and it seems really powerful. I like the block notation so that the expected behavior is stated after the exercised code. This way the tests can be more uniform (Four-Phase Test) and clearer.

One thing I didn't found out is how to have the mocks ignore certain message calls.
E.g. I want this to pass:
[:mock | mock m1; m2] should lenient satisfy: [:mock | mock m1]

I tried it the 'lenient way' as above but I get a SpecFailed: WrongMessageSelector. How can one do this?

Best regards,

Am 20.08.2007 um 11:32 schrieb Denis Kudriashov:

I realize new smalltalk mock objects framework named BehaviorMockup with SSpec functionality.
There is Squeak (http://www.squeaksource.com/BehaviorMockup.html) and VW versions (cincom public repository)

Simplest language for behavior specfications:

[:mock | mock someMessage] should strictly satisfy: [:mock | mock someMessage willReturn: 'some']


[:mock | mock someMessage] should lenient satisfy: [:mock | mock someMessage willReturn: 'some']

SSpec functionality:

  • 5 should equals: 6
  • and ...
For more detailes see Wiki on SqueakSource and many acceptance tests in package

Best regards,