The following works:

String withAll: #($a $b $c)

But I'm not sure I'm answering your question. 

On Dec 29, 2012, at 09:30 , Chris Cunnington wrote:

I have a question about converting an OrderedCollection full of chars into a string. [1]

I would have thought there was a method like #asString that could be sent to an OrderedCollection to produce a string. I find myself having to do the process in three steps: 1) #reading the OC; 2) creating an empty string; and then, 3) iterating over every char to put it into the String.

I think I'm missing a simpler way. Especially with Xtreams. Shouldn't I just use a filter, change the #contentSpecies, or something?



startTag: data
   <action: 'element'>
   |tagdata str |
   tagdata := data second first reading.
   str := (String new: 20) writing.
   tagdata do: [:each| str put: each].
   ^'html ' , (data first second first asString) , $: , $' , (str close; terminal) , $'