On Sun, Sep 4, 2016 at 7:05 PM, Stéphane Rollandin <lecteur@zogotounga.net> wrote:
I missed most of this discussion, but I would like to say that I think
that Hannes has it exactly right. The work can and should be done in trunk,
and it is important that the result should ultimately be unloadable and

The timing also seems right to me. The work is being done in trunk early
in the release cycle. This should provide the opportunity to achieve a
reloadable Etoys in time for a next Squeak release.

As long as the package is fully reloadable, the decision as to whether to
include Etoys in our next release can be made later, as part of the release
planning process. Near term, the trunk image will be larger, but if we
elect to unload Etoys for a next release then the resulting image should
be smaller than before.

I think it would be great if both Etoys and Scratch were easily loadable
and unloadable in trunk. Scratch is already being successfully developed
as an external package compatible with trunk, which suggests that we should
ultimately be able to do the same with Etoys. Others have mentioned that
we need better tools to support this, and I agree.


+1 to all of the above


best, Eliot