On Aug 26, 2007, at 11:55 PM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

On Aug 26, 2007, at 11:01 , Fabio Filasieno wrote:

collection := OrderedCollection new.

collection add:1.

evaluates to one. Why ? Why not to collection ?

You do not always add a simple value but the result of an expression. Having the #add: return the argument sometimes lets you avoid introducing a temporary variable. It is more useful this way, and for the cases where you actually want the collection you can use a cascade.

A similar point can be made that setters should return the argument instead of the receiver, although usually in Squeak they do not (Tweak revises that policy).

- Bert -

and Jason's already said that.
 cascade operator.  You don't like it, but it still provides
something that requires temporary variables to duplicate without it.

ahaaaa ..... I didn't get temp thing right.

( obj send: (... complex stuff....) ) SendToComplexStuff

But I finally got one reason for the cascade!!!!! At last ... (the complex thing helped me on that)

I didn't think of that, as I associated a "void" return with returning self !

For instance in C .. when you don't return anything (void) nothing comes out.
"In Smalltalk instead" I thought 
" they do a smart thing. What can you do with void (or Ans) ?Nothing ! 
So instead of returning a useless void they return self. Smart !

And this worked very well with the functional style that I like.
And I thought that side effects only functions like setters would be done perfectly.
And easy to read to !

But then ... 
I thought: 
" What ? (((( obj sendA: a) sendB: b) sendC: c) sendD: d ). You must me joking !!!!"
And my yohuoooooo :-D (no need to return self, it's the default ! ) ..... became argh ... here comes parenthesis.

Now if I put into the equation you put a complex expression...

you avoid ...

#Just Returning self
obj property: (complex_stuff) 
     | property
     | ...

and do 

#fixing it with ... get some more cases under the belt.
obj property: (complex_stuff) 
      ;  .....
Don't know yet if I like it that way ... 
But now I see the point; and why somebody might prefer it that way.
I wouldn't be so sure now on cutting the ";" cascade out now.
I would say - but just now - that there is no pipe vs cascade thing. 

Thanks for ringing the bell ....

and the pipe might be still better than the parenthesis .... :o)
obj sendAndReturnComplexStuff: (... complex stuff....) | SendToComplexStuff