If you inspect


and look at the literal for Compiler, does it look to be pointing to the new or old Compiler?


On 9/25/13 6:12 AM, Frank Shearar wrote:
I'm running with Compiler-nice.274.

What's weirder is in that top stack frame (Compiler >>
#evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFailed:logged: the following all show up
as red, because they're references to instvars that don't exist:
class, sourceStream, context, requestor.

That's because the CompiledMethod that's running is not actually the
right CompiledMethod! It's from some ancient pre-CompilationCue
Compiler instance. Or at least so I suspect because that Compiler
instance has a nil 'cue' instvar.

If it helps, the PointerFinder says this of the offending context:

globals: Environment
declarations: IdentityDictionary
#World -> PasteUpMorph
submorphs: Array
1: SystemWindow
model: ObjectExplorer
currentSelection: ObjectExplorerWrapper
item: CompiledMethod

In contrast, PointerFinder on: (Compiler >>
#evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged:) says:

CLASS: SmalltalkImage class
superclass: Object class
subclasses: Array
445: Compiler class
methodDict: MethodDictionary
array: Array
39: CompiledMethod.