
Thanks for questions, I'll try to be as clear as possible.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 8:19 PM, Hannes Hirzel <hannes.hirzel@gmail.com> wrote:


Do you think to use this as a base to develop a word processor in
Squeak, or a desktop publishing system, or to revive the 'Dynabook
dynamic essay' idea?

Everything what is connected with Dynamic essays, LObjects, Lesserphic, Text Field Spec for LObjects, Franc, ect. is completely covered by VPRI team and their domain of exploration, development and deployment.
So, the idea is not in getting these great yet unfinished projects and integrating them in Squeak just right now as is. In reality we could just looking on what is happened there from the side, by reading the reports, articles and self exploring the code. Someone could consider VPRI projects as the main development's vector for the future of Squeak related activities, I am stating on that point of view too.
That is why, "not to be left behind the scene" we need to develop Squeak by using the technologies, hidden behind all these projects. And furthermore we are luckily! OMeta and Worlds are quit ready to use since 2010.

>> there are many of working OMeta's examples for Squeak (ForAll language,
>> SpecParser, Nile), Worlds are also presented there and it is an updatable
>> image.

Could you specify the links more precisely?

Yes, all links are accessible at VPRI wiki


Another is Yoshiki's SqueakBootStrapper image with
>> BootStrapEncoder/parser and of course: OMeta/JS wiki.
>> Now thinking, that we need to ask the VPRI team for official permission on
>> using and experimenting with these stuff in Squeak, especially concerning
>> to the image side parts of "Mochi" system. Bert, may be you could bring
>> some clearance on this, please?
> It's released under MIT, which means you don't need to ask specific
> permission (but note that I am only a contractor to VPRI, cannot speak for
> them).

This is a lot -- where you do think you would like to focus on?

First, making OMeta as the default preloaded package in Squeak. Then, review, redefine the parts in Squeak where patten matching and parsing is needed, reimplementing them using OMeta. Adopting existed programmer's tools for easily using of OMeta language, while working with source code (transcription, annotation, localisation, etc). Exploring, how "Undo" operation could be implemented in current Squeak using Worlds. And more.. 
