On 25-03-2016, at 3:25 AM, marcel.taeumel <Marcel.Taeumel@hpi.de> wrote:

I still don't get it. Why is this a Mac problem? Where is the Mac-specific
part in this problem?

It’s not; except that a similar problem does exist at the Mac-Window level. It was me mistaking Eliot’s description.

Please see the screeshot and notice the Z-Order of things. The corner grips
do not occlude the text morph and its scroll bar.

Except the behaviour doesn’t support what we think ought to be happening. 

And look at the screen grab from my iMac running a 5.0-15113 image - 

The text morph (along with its scrollers) is the last item rather than the first. Weird, eh?

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Oxymorons: Tight slacks