Hi Eric.

I am building a Dia diagram of the Font's stuff and beginning to get some insights.

It looks like TTFontDescription is the holder of the glyphs for a font that is stored in squeak. (memory? image?).

There is a parallel construct TTFileDescription that does similar stuff, but off of the file system.

Let's stick with TTFontDescription....

Browse TTFontDescription class  and trow in an "inspect" as below....
descriptionNamed: descriptionName
Descriptions inspect.
^ Descriptions detect: [:f | f first name = descriptionName] ifNone: [Default].

I added that Descriptions inspect. It shows a Set.
Browsing that set, I was able to pick one of the entries in the Set. 
The entries are very important as they hold the guts of the fonts.: TTFontDescription.

Pick one in the entries in the set and send it the message 'first name'

You can then plug that into the descriptionNamed and see the TTFontDescription (There is a similar class TTFileDescription)

I have Unifont installed so I send the message:

TTFontDescription descriptionNamed:'Unifont'

per the name gleaned from above.

In the TTCFontDescription, there is a
glyphTable and a bunch of glyphs.

So, this looks like the bloody guts where the error occurs...maybe.

Investigating this, I learned something. Glyphs are not "Pictures" that are plopped into a space on a "screen" rather, they are instructions for drawing a figure.
How it is done, I do not know yet.

