Good morning.

Asking advice on approach to fixing this the right way. End result is at minimum a functioning class and a test to catch this stuff going forward.

On Squeak 5.1 16551

First, to recreate the issue..

PG3SchemaMirror subclass: #MyDBSchemaMirror  

(and get it talking to the db via instructions here:
Then, via those same instructions, get a Postgres Function downloaded to Squeak or attempt to enter one by hand.

Second, the symptoms 

The SHParserST80) attempts to parse the code and a "Proceed for Truth" errors start popping up.

Debugging it, the culprit is in

(c := self nextChar) isAlphaNumeric
or: [ allowUnderscoreSelectors and: [ c == $_ ] ] ] whileTrue.

Where allowUnderscoreSelectors is undefined.

As a quick fix attempt, changing to
Scanner allowUnderscoreAsAssignment 
makes that error go away. However, new ones start popping up, so I decided to dig into things a bit more.

Scanner is the wrong approach, because it and SHParserST80 are not related via inheritence (although they do share a common instance variable named "allowUnderscoreSelectors"

I wondering if SHParserST80 is superceded by Scanner and if so, I am wondering the best way to approach this bug.

Should I fix it within the SHParserST80 paradigm or is migration to Scanner in order?

Thx for your time.