Steps to reproduce

Do it/print it:

[self error] ensure: [self halt]

In the debugger, yellow-click UndefinedObject>>DoIt (home), choose "return entered value", and enter any value.

Expected: Should land in UndefinedObject(Object)>>halt.
Actual: Land in Compiler>>evaluateCue:ifFail:logged: (but the process suspendedContext is not actually yet there).

  	"Force a return of a given value to the previous context!"
- 	| previous selectedContext expression value |
+  	| previous selectedContext expression value newContext |
  	contextStackIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^Beeper beep].
  	selectedContext := self selectedContext.
  	expression := UIManager default request: 'Enter expression for return value:'.
  	value := Compiler new 
   				evaluate: expression
  				in: selectedContext
  				to: selectedContext receiver.
  	previous := selectedContext sender.
- 	self resetContext: previous.
- 	interruptedProcess popTo: previous value: value
+ 	newContext := self
+ 		handleLabelUpdatesIn: [interruptedProcess popTo: previous value: value]
+ 		whenExecuting: previous.
+ 	self resetContext: newContext. "might differ from previous in case of error during unwinding"

With that change, let's continue and step out of [] in UndefinedObject>>DoIt. Whether you use step over or step through from UndefinedObject>>DoIt or step into all the details of the unwind stack, in any case the process ends up completely terminated before the debugger halts in Compiler>>evaluateCue:ifFail:logged: as expected, and you get anything like disabled stepping buttons in the debugger, a cannotReturn: error, or a nil DNU from the debugger.

Something seems to be wrong with the unwinding logic here. I checked: This is not a regression and already failed in 6.0 and 5.3.

@isCzech FYIO, just in case you're up for another round of unwinding fun. Otherwise, I might myself address this one day. :-)

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