Hi Levente

Thank you for the response.

>allowUnderscoreSelectors should be initialized by SHParserST80 >> #parse:
>to the value of the expression: Scanner prefAllowUnderscoreSelectors.  
>What does that expression evaluate to in your image?

Scanner prefAllowUnderscoreSelectors ->  true

SHParserST80 >>parse: 

does initialize the instance variables via this message send

self initializeInstanceVariables.

Which just loads an array of the instance variable names into an Array


instanceVariables := classOrMetaClass 
ifNil: [ #() ]
ifNotNil: [ classOrMetaClass allInstVarNames asArray ].
Looking at the SHParserST80>>initialize

it sends SHParserST90>initialize

Which loads Smalltalk globals into the environment instance variable.

Inspecting that, I see no reference to the preferences.

If you think it should be in there, let me know and I will initialize the preferences there.

Thanks for your time.