he he, I sympathise. Sounds like an interrupt problem to me. I have used Linux and nVidea/ATI cards with Linux with no problem after setting up. What type of card do you have?

On 1/8/07, Alan Grimes <agrimes@speakeasy.net> wrote:
The problem with 3D desktops, or any 3D functionality whatsoever, is
that I own a motherboard which, by all appearances Linux should support,
it even has a menu item in the configuration system specifically listing
my chipset, but it doesn't. instead linux crashes instantly and
completely whenever I try to do anything at all with anything even
remotely related to 3D, even the simplest diagnostics will crash my
computer. Therefore my position is that nobody should be permitted to
use, develop, or even discuss any 3D application of any kind, under
penalty of law, until my computer is restored to full operation. =|
