Em 30-10-2016 11:15, Craig Latta escreveu:
Hi all--

     Happy 20th birthday to us! It was twenty years ago that Dan Ingalls
and the rest of Alan Kay's team announced Squeak to the world. You
really changed things with this run at the fence. :)  Thanks again!

     To celebrate, I've released version 7 alpha 1 of Context, an
umbrella project for three other ones: Spoon (a minimal object memory),
Naiad (a module system), and Tether (remote messaging). I've also
released a fourth, Snowglobe (app streaming). I've written blog posts
about each of them at thiscontext.com. I'll post the links in future

I second your hooray !!!!


Craig Latta
Black Page Digital
Amsterdam | San Francisco
+31   6 2757 7177 (SMS ok)
+ 1 415  287 3547 (no SMS)

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