
I do something similar now.
We have ugly app with C++ server part and IExplorer JS and flash ui part. C++ part run iexplorer through com and interract with it by some binding trick.

First we replace ui with pharo morphic app and create binding with socket connections. Pharo sends socket commands to C++ tcp server and receive events from C++ to smalltalk socket server. Its were really easy done because I don't deal with ffi issues like callbacks and there is no need to build C++ dll .

Now we replace step-by-step separated C++ modules with smalltalk. Sometimes we kill it.

2010/8/17 Casey Ransberger <casey.obrien.r@gmail.com>
I have a C app that I'd like to port to Squeak. I had this crazy idea that I wanted to incrementally replace parts of it bit by bit with Smalltalk, and was entertained by how that seemed roughly impossible. The first thought that crossed my mind was to try to bolt some sort of C-based RPC onto it, and use that as a way to get it to talk to Squeak. Then I thought about FFI, but what I'm reading about that talks specifically about libraries.

Here's what I'm wondering:

Would it be insanely painful to make parts of the app into libraries that could get called via FFI? Would it just make more sense to do a scratch implementation? Has anyone ever done something like this before?

It's a crazy idea:)
Casey Ransberger