On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 11:47 PM, tim Rowledge <tim@rowledge.org> wrote:
Has anybody used the #grabTransform message that is sent by HandMorph as part of picking up a Morph? Every use I can find of it seems to set it to an Identity transform and trying to use it for make my dragged morph appear half-size is not working in a very understandable manner.

I think this is used for moving a morph that is transformed and also grabbing a duplicated morph that is transformed.

HandMorph>grabMorph:from: is the major player here; it asks the formerOwner for the grabTransform (without specifying for which grabbed morph, which seems odd) and uses that along withe formerOwner’s transform to do things to the grabbed morph. If I make my owner-morph implement grabTransform to return an identity transform, the grabbing works as normal. If I provide atransform that does any scaling (which is what I want to use) then
a) the positions and offsets get all screwy
b) dropping doesn’t work the same - you have to drop the morph and then click-release again to get it to actually drop. That part really confuses me right now.

Maybe attachMorph: will work easier as you can do the trickery to the morph and just attach it to the hand ?


I doubt this code was stuck in for the fun of it so I feel sure somebody must have had a use for it in the past. Does anyone remember anything about it?

Oh joy; power cut. Hopefully the UPS will last long enough to get this sent.

tim Rowledge; tim@rowledge.org; http://www.rowledge.org/tim
Useful random insult:- Overdue for deincarnation.