Very impressive work you do with morphic refactoring. 

I have spent much time debugging specially the Etoys system and have scratched my head really hard from time to time ;-)
Morphic in Squeak is very cool, but it's a big mess of features added as needed and that shows when you look in the cracks. 

I'm looking forward to you further advancement :-)


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Juan Vuletich (mail lists) <> wrote:
Hi Folks,

Cuis 4.1 is available at . Biggest news is in the Morph hierarchy. Ivars 'bounds' and 'fullBounds' are gone! All coordinates are now Float and relative to the owner morph. This is part of the transition to Morphic 3. The drawing engine is still BitBlt and the UI is not scalable yet, but Morphic 3 is now much closer.

Juan Vuletich

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