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Von: <>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023 10:30:04
Betreff: [squeak-dev] The Trunk: ST80-mt.293.mcz
Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-mt.293
Author: mt
Time: 1 June 2023, 10:30:01.900467 am
UUID: 338c9d57-8caf-3b48-8366-12102eaec74e
Ancestors: ST80-mt.292

Ensure traditional Browser in MVC bc. there is no usable tree widget in MVC/ST80.

=============== Diff against ST80-mt.292 ===============

Item was changed:
  Project subclass: #MVCProject
+        instanceVariableNames: 'originalBrowser'
-        instanceVariableNames: ''
         classVariableNames: ''
         poolDictionaries: ''
         category: 'ST80-Support'!
  !MVCProject commentStamp: 'dtl 7/13/2013 15:36' prior: 0!
  An MVCProject is a project with an MVC user interface. It stores its control manager in the world instance variable, and its UI manager is an MVCUIManager. It uses an MVCToolBuilder to create the views for various tools.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MVCProject>>finalEnterActions: (in category 'enter') -----
  finalEnterActions: leavingProject
+        ScheduledControllers := world.
+        self flag: #todo. "mt: There is no usable tree widget in MVC."
+        SystemBrowser default name ~= #Browser ifTrue: [
+                originalBrowser := SystemBrowser default name.
+                (self environment classNamed: #Browser) ifNotNil: [:browserClass |
+                        SystemBrowser default: browserClass]].!
-        ScheduledControllers := world.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MVCProject>>finalExitActions: (in category 'enter') -----
  finalExitActions: enteringProject
         super finalExitActions: enteringProject.
+        (self environment classNamed: (originalBrowser ifNil: ['']))
+                ifNotNil: [:browserClass | SystemBrowser default: browserClass].
         self world unCacheWindows.
         EventSensor default flushEvents.
         ScheduledControllers := nil.!