On Aug 13, 2014, at 10:26 PM, Chris Cunnington <brasspen@gmail.com> wrote:

On Aug 13, 2014, at 10:11 PM, David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com> wrote:

On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 08:19:37PM -0500, Chris Muller wrote:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Chris Cunnington <brasspen@gmail.com>

Jesus, that was an unpleasant tour of my own mind.


I am not amused. We used to have a good web presence hosted on the excellent
and well-supported Aida web framework.

That site was in need of updates to
its content and design.

We now have a site that is running on software that seems to be poorly
understood by most of us, including the one person in the community who
is willing and able to work on it.

Updating a single broken link requires tortuous mental excursions? Really?!?
And there is only one person who can do it? Seriously?!?

The link to squeaksource.com is updated.

Thank you.

You’re welcome. And thank you for saying thank you. 

You’re rant is heartfelt, but pretty much wrong on every point. I don’t mind though, I think your rant is sort of transitional. Sometimes people complain when things are getting better. I had a history teacher, Mr. Godfrey, who made it clear that people don’t cry for revolution when they’re downtrodden. They do it when they have made a gain they don’t want to lose. You didn’t talk like this in 2012. And that you are talking like this is probably a good thing. You’re famous for being tactful. I don’t think I’ve seen you cut loose like this, so that’s all to the good. 

Aida was a well supported web framework? Nope. Software always requires support. Ultimately there is no software only people to tend things. Janko had become staggering difficult to deal with. All efforts were made to accommodate him. No dice. Poorly understood software? I think that’s called growth. Altitude is cool. Xtreams is cool. It’s worth taking a few pains to grow and evolve things. Stasis, I’d say, was what helped contributed to some of the problems Squeak is working to recover from. A single broken link equals torturous mental excursions? Not really. I was in an off state of mind making problems for myself. You only know that, because if I make a mistake, it’s my policy to alert that community that something is amiss. I consider that being professional. My personality is my personality, but that is my policy. 

I’d like to point out also, that with regards to the homepage, I’m changing the nature of silence. With the “well-supported Aida web framework” silence, which everybody could edit, but only one person could code changes into, it meant slow bit rot and everybody could feel it. Silence meant decay. Now things are different. I check the site every day. It’s like a 747 where there are long periods of nothing happening and then brief periods of turbulence, which I make you explicitly aware of. Silence now means ‘All is well’. 

Only one person who can do it? Is that a problem? Only Janko could code Aida. I recall passing out the code for squeak.org. Tim’s looked it over. Do you like Xtreams? Yes? Well this is part of the process of growing towards incorporating them. 

I cannot wait to hear what you’ve got to say about the SqueakMap server I’m still working on. Feel free to freak out about it, David. You’ll use it and be glad you did. And if I may so, the UI is shaping up pretty well. I’m shearing all the goggle-eyed-programmer-madness that usually infests user interfaces built by excellent programmers. 

Keep your chin up. If you keep ranting, I’ll have to quote Tampico’s most famous son at you and say: “There you go again!”. (It worked on Jimmy.)

