2018-08-16 14:51 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Cellier <nicolas.cellier.aka.nice@gmail.com>:
Hi Edgar,
First, I see no such sender of #soundsEnabled in base image, so it's more a problem of uncompatibility with add-on packages (extensions) than a problem of base image, right?

Then, thanks to commit messages in the mailing list, I can trace that Preferences class>>#soundsEnabled - which is a EToys thing - was added in Trunk: System-tfel.902.mcz (which itself is a merge with System-tfel.882).

But unfortunately, I can't easily trace when this message was removed in favour of a doesNotUnderstand: solution...
Maybe it was removed at a time when the mailing list reports were not functional?
Or maybe, the changes were not reported because too long...
(That's a bad feature IMO, on the assumption that code should never be too long, we should not need any such guard anyway...).

it's because the change (the removal of Preferences class>>#soundsEnabled ) happened in a version not commited in trunk.
then the change was not reported from

Name: System-tfel.911
Author: tfel
Time: 29 August 2016, 4:20:07.411946 pm
UUID: 0242c0ab-04df-994a-adb2-a8c26da259fa
Ancestors: System-tfel.902, System-ul.910

because only the diff to more recent System-ul.910 is shown in mailing list...

The thing to do before/after loading such EToys like extension is to perform Etoys like initialization, and that could well be a responsibility of extension code, rather than of base image. So maybe it's not a problem of Trunk by itself...
The question is how do we advertize the package maintainers about these new responsibilities caused by evolutions of Trunk (understand evolution as shrinking/simplifying)?