Hi! I have a query:
First of all, i must tell you that i speak Spanish, so i'll try to do my best to explain myself in English.
I'm trying to make a multiplayer game so i want to share a "playfield" so that players can interact each other. I found the clasess NebraskaServerMorph and NetworkTerminalMorph and I started to explore they to find out the way they work.

But I have some troubles because i can only serve the "main" world.. I created subworlds doing

myworld _ (PasteUpMorph newWorldForProject:nil).
myworld color: Color blue.
myworld openInWorld.
myworld viewBox: (19@19 extent: 300@300).

and I tried to serve it doing:

NebraskaServerMorph serveWorld: myworld.

it seems to work but when i want to connect to it from another pc, creating a NetworkTerminalMorph and opening it in scaled mode, i can't see anything! It only shows an orange window -as it was not connected, but the server recognizes the client because it shows "Nebraska 1 client"-
I repeat, It doesn't happens with the main world..
Maybe I have to set another property to the created subworld that allows it to be shared, i don't know! I don't want to share the main world because the clients could access to all the visible options and do modifications (maybe unwanted modifications) in that image.
It's a special case but maybe anyone can help me..
Thank you!