On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Igor Stasenko <siguctua@gmail.com> wrote:
2008/7/2 Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com>:
> This is the "mirrors" approach I alluded to.  The right approach is to
> implement the debugger with a mirror between it and the system it looks at.
>  There is a mirror for local debugging taht is fairly transparent.  then
> there is a mirror for the renoter system which is much more involved because
> it has to use peek and poke to examine the memory space of the target
> process and it has to extract meta information   from it (and in the
> presence of errors, e.g. the hard crash could have corrupted memory).

I have some ideas about it.
First: nobody prevents me to have image containing separate object
memories. Its only a question how to load and bootstrap it :)

Or, more specific: i think i will introduce the island model (or vats)
from the start.
So there will be a multiple islands (which can be possibly run in
parallel native threads), which don't share anything, or sharing a
protected memory region, writing to which is guarded by a lot of
checks and rules :)

Since there is nothing outside, which dictates me to have: single
heap, single GC, single object memory; it is possible to implement a
system, which could have different memory regions governed by
different memory managers and garbage collectors.

This assumes that an error in one island can't corrupt the heap of another island, not a safe assumption.  You really need to use separate address spaces for isolation.  If the mirrors are done right the tool side of things is the same anyway.

Then debugging looks much less scary than comparing to system crippled
by VM written in C :)

> Let me encourage you to think about this soon and work on it asap because it
> is a really important issue.  If you don't have a good debugging environment
> up front your progress will be slow.  No one has succeeded in bringing such
> a system for a Smalltalk-like language into production use yet (neither
> Klein nor TypedSmalltalk nor Exupery has made it to production use).  Making
> it happen would be fantastic.  You have the Spoon system to build upon.

Absolutely, a system without good means of debugging can't progress
fast (and its mainly just a useless artifact for serious deployment).
I'm concerned that amount of debug information to be added to method
would hit hard the memory consumption.

> You have to both provide a Smalltalk-level debugger and a machine code
> debugger which can display machine instructions, registers and memory.  It
> would be nice to be able to reuse disassemblers et al from other components
> but you might find that Smalltalk implementations are quicker to write and
> easier to understand and use.  But you will need them.

Heh.. right, but it would take ages :)
A teamwork is what is needed. I looking for a people who may want to
join crusade for the ultimate smalltalk self-sustaining system
implementation :)

I hear you.  But for me, first things first :)
