Hi John-Reed,

On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 3:21 PM, John-Reed Maffeo <jrmaffeo@gmail.com> wrote:
latest update: #16549
Current Change Set: WorkSpace
Image format 68021 (64 bit)

I have no experience with saving projects, but I thought I would try it and see how it works.

The image I am using has four projects:
1. The root project that opens in a fresh image
2. A Morphic project
3.1 Another Morphic project and,
3.2 An MVC project in the 3.1 Morphic project.

When trying to save 2, I get an error message.

Note: I also tried this on a fresh image with the same results.
a. Open new (as downloaded) image.
b. Create Morphic project, make no changes, just open it.
c. Try to save it >> error

It looks like it is trying to process "(TheWorldMainDockingBar>>#toggleFullScreenOn: "a CompiledMethod(2777225)")"

Yes, there are VM bugs with ImageSegment on Spur.  I haven't had time to debug yet.  Things have been getting slowly better (recently the size limit for Spur image segments was lifted) but I haven't got the bugs out yet.

best, Eliot