Begin forwarded message:

From: Christoph Wysseier <>
Subject: [Pharo-dev] [Job] is hiring!
Date: 4. Februar 2014 15:57:10 MEZ
To: Pharo Development List <>
Reply-To: Pharo Development List <>

Hi all

Max, Simon and Nik are looking for a new fellow! ;) is looking for a Seaside web application developer. We are a small, agile and harmonious team located in Bern (Switzerland). With Cmsbox we have developed an award winning Content Management System with hundreds of installations so far. Besides we develop regularly sophisticated web applications. The successful candidate will have excellent skills in OO software development with a dynamic programming language and fits in a team of young, ambitious engineers. Fluency in German is not a must, but we expect applicants to acquire basic understanding of German.

A detailed job description can be found on our website (in German):

For questions and applications please contact me at

- No freelancer applications please, this is a permanent position.
- Because of immigration restrictions Swiss or EU citizenship or an existing Swiss work permit are required.

Christoph Wysseier GmbH, CEO