Hi Dave:

I enjoyed a lot smalltalk and its communities but I failed thinking that I could make a living with it. Might be my lack of talent but other people with an infinite more capability than me failed at same way and my stubbornness for use Smalltalk in my business only made me lost lot of time and money.

Of course I miss the technical purity of Smalltalk and objects everywhere, but it is not viable, in my pov, to develop massive business applications, neither web, nor desktop and much less mobile.

Just my opinion.

Saludos / Regards,
Germán Arduino

2018-06-01 23:39 GMT-03:00 David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com>:
On Fri, Jun 01, 2018 at 01:01:31PM -0300, Germ??n Arduino wrote:
> 2018-06-01 9:33 GMT-03:00 David T. Lewis <lewis@mail.msen.com>:
> > On Fri, Jun 01, 2018 at 12:50:08AM -0700, John Pfersich wrote:
> > > Smalltalk is a hobby; I haven???t had an offer for Smalltalk work since
> > 2005.
> > >
> >
> > >> As with you, Smalltalk is a hobby for me.
> >
> I should have realized this before and then I would not have wasted 20
> years with Smalltalk, who barely bought me a cup or two of tea :(

You should think twice about this. If you thought that Smalltalk was going
to make you rich, then you are probably a sad and disappointed person. If
you thought that Smalltalk might be a tool to help you think clearly and
explore new ideas, then you may be a happy and satisfied person.

I don't know if anyone will ever make any money by being happy and satisfied,
but I can say that in my own experience that the learning that I have done
with Squeak has been a big part of enabling me to make a decent income in
the last 10 or 15 years of my professional life.

To put it in more concrete terms: I do systems integration work for a
manufacturing company, and this involves (among other things) some custom
software development (not Squeak, not Smalltalk). I am good at what I
do, and I get paid for it. A significant part of the "I am good at what
I do" aspect is attributable to Squeak, or more specifically the learning
that I have derived from Squeak.

So I am a happy "hobby" Smalltalker. I make zero income from Squeak, but I
can honestly tell you that a good deal of my actual professional income
is supported by my hobby.

