Hi, Chris, Monty, Tim,
did you see the implementation of Collection>>size?

    "Answer how many elements the receiver contains."

    | tally |
    tally := 0.
    self do: [:each | tally := tally + 1].
    ^ tally

Let's forget a minute about specific subclasses.
Does iterating over the whole collection is really the best idea for implementing isEmpty?
When we implement a message in Collection, we should think in term of Collection, not Interval, Set nor Array.

We're talking of several things here:
- universality of the default implementation:
  we don't need to know about the size to tell if empty
   not all collection have a known size
- optimization:
  old implementation is fast for collections having an optimized size, catastrophic for others.
  new implementation is reasonably fast, and full optimization can be restored with a few 1-liner.
- cleverness:
  IMO this is not more clever than, and quite logically connected to implementation of size

I agree that having several implementations for the sake of optimization is not ideal.
That's what would have curbed my enthusiasm.
Though I doubt about any noticeable slowdown in anything else than micro-benchmarks.

2016-10-25 22:49 GMT+02:00 Eliot Miranda <eliot.miranda@gmail.com>:
Hi Tobias, Hi All,

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Tobias Pape <Das.Linux@gmx.de> wrote:

On 25.10.2016, at 21:45, Chris Muller <asqueaker@gmail.com> wrote:

> Folks there is NO BASIS at the level of Collection for assuming that
> do: [ : each | ^
> false ] is faster than ^self size=0.  In fact, the proper assumption
> is the opposite -- that #size is the optimized method, not #do:.

I don't understand on what _either_ performance-assumption is grounded.
Since I've apparently not been around since the early years of either
ST-80 or Squeak, can someone enlighten me here?

Both ways seem somewhat reasonable:
 `self size = 0` is simple, easy to understand on first sight and said here to be more expensive than 
 `self do: [:ea |  ^false]`, which is clever[1], possibly needs a double-take (or comment), but has a certain appeal of wholeness[2].

self size = 0 doesn't work for infinite collections.  The suggested implementation of isEmpty does indeed require a comment (I didn't implement it) but it does work for infinite collections. The suggested implementation os isEmpty is also faster than elf size = 0 for any collection of sufficient size.

For example:

| b n |
b := Bag someInstance.
n := 100000.
{ b size. [1 to: n do: [:ign| b isEmptyOId]] timeToRun. [1 to: n do: [:ign| b isEmpty]] timeToRun } #(20402 3293 21)

and the cut off is quite low:

| n |
n := 10000.
((1 to: 10) collect:
(1 to: SmallInteger maxVal) detect:
b := (1 to: i) asBag.
[1 to: n do: [:ign| b isEmptyOId]] timeToRun > [1 to: n do: [:ign| b isEmpty]] timeToRun]]) average asFloat 4.9

So for collections that are 5 elements or more the "clever" implementation is faster.

Best regards

[1]: sadly, cleverness in software typically is a drawback.
[2]: I mean, the minimalism that is possible by just using/providing #do: somehow conveys closure/completeness

best, Eliot