Hi everyone,

I'm very new in the world of SmallTalk, so I hope you can help me... I'm working on an application that uploads sketches to an Arduino's board directly without its software (only uploading the .hex file). First of all I found a code based in java that works perfectly and now I'm "translating" into ST.

The problem is: Arduino's responses with a particular bytecode when it receives data (at least that's how works the java-based code), with values 0x14 or 0x10. Before send the data block to the board, the program sends a hello bytecode for check responsivity, which values 0x30 and 0x20. The problem is that the board doesn't recognize the hello bytes, because it doesn't response to it. I made something like this (sorry but I don't have the code at this moment):

sendHello: SerialPort2
| ba |
ba := ByteArray new: 2.
ba at: 1 put: 16r30.
ba at: 1 put: 16r20.
SerialPort2 nextPutAll: ba.

SerialPort2 is a class that I imported from Scratch source code. The port is open correctly, I can see how the board receives data because the RX led blinks, but TX doesn't. I tried several ways to do this but anything worked. If anyone who's worked with Arduino knows what I'm doing wrong, tell me please. I will send the code and more detailed information if needed.

Sorry for my bad english,

