Here is a changeset that fixes the #caseError issue in a conservative way (no #caseError: with argument).

Unless we decide to parametrize #caseError, I think this one would be small enough for 5.3. Please review.

Please see also Question regarding compilation of #caseOf:[otherwise:] messages. I did not touch the relevant lines in this fix, but as I do not understand their function at the moment, I cannot rule out that they would also need to be adapted.



Von: Squeak-dev <> im Auftrag von Thiede, Christoph
Gesendet: Samstag, 22. Februar 2020 17:35:11
An: Squeak Dev
Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] Problems with #caseError

Otherwise, I don't see any reason to print out the receiver. We could also name it #caseError: anObject and print out this object

I have the feeling that this one would actually be more convenient because the error would be raised on the "failing" object. (Vividly speaking: The unrecognized object is not guilty of being unrecognized, but rather the selecting object is guilty of not recognizing the object.) But this might be a highly opinion-based discussion. On the other hand, #errorNonIntegerIndex belongs to the same category. Supporting the first argument again, #errorSubscriptBounds: is implemented on the calling receiver class ... Really not sure about this.

However, please note that a parametrized #caseError: would require something like

thisContext sender receiver caseError: self

in the non-inlined (we probably have a better term for this?) version of #caseOf:otherwise:. Would this be a code smell?


Von: Squeak-dev <> im Auftrag von Thiede, Christoph
Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Februar 2020 16:23:50
An: Squeak Dev
Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] Problems with #caseError

(Hit send to early, see below ...)

Von: Thiede, Christoph
Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Februar 2020 16:21 Uhr
An: Squeak Dev
Betreff: Problems with #caseError

Hi all,

there are two problems with #caseError.

First one:

Given the following example, you will receive a confusing error message:

#foo caseOf: {[#bar] -> [2]. [#baz] -> [3]} 
"--> Error: Case not found (nil), and no otherwise clause"

Either #caseError should be called on #foo, then this would be compiler bug.
Otherwise, I don't see any reason to print out the receiver. We could also name it #caseError: anObject and print out this object, but the current message is not helpful IMO ...

Second one:
I'm not sure whether it is expected behavior how #allLiterals works on the following example:

method := Compiler new
compiledMethodFor: '#bar caseOf: {[#bar] -> [2]}'
in: nil to: nil notifying: nil ifFail: nil.
method allLiterals.
"-->  #(#caseError #bar #caseOf:)"

This can be confusing when searching for all users of #caseError. Should we handle this edge case in #allLiterals?
