HI all,

Currently I'd like to build a client for Matrix [1], which is a decentralized communication protocol, and there are already several servers and clients around [2].

When looking for other IM clients for Squeak, I found this wiki page [3], in which IRC, ICQ and Jabber are mentioned. But as that page have not been updated for a decade, I'm curious that what's current status. Are there any new IM clients emerged? And is it possible to build Matrix client based on them?

BTW, I have created a Squeak room [4] in matrix.org server, anyone interested can join and have a try.

[1] https://matrix.org/
[2] https://matrix.org/docs/projects/try-matrix-now.html
[3] https://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/1048
[4] https://riot.im/app/#/room/#squeak:matrix.org

Xin Wang