That's pretty darned nice. Do you happen to know what the stack looks like there? Is it Squeak? Pharo? VW? I'm going to try to figure out who's site that is and make contact in the next couple of days.

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:20 AM, Tobias Pape <> wrote:
Seeing this, i was reminded of

So Long,

Am 2010-04-21 um 07:43 schrieb Andreas Raab:

> * The most helpful documentation I've used in recent years is this:
> There are actually two parts to this: 1) Indexing by Google is a must. The first hit on the above searches leads you directly to the right places. 2) The styles of the documentation is quite different. The Python docs provide context, giving a good overview. The php docs are purely reference docs but have a huge amount of user-contributed code snippets. Both are valuable styles of documentation.