Hi Denis,
I originally wrote the v15 signature methods in April of 2007.  I am currently trying to download the PKCS#11 V2.30 doc to verify, but IIRC there are more than one signature algorithm defined for RSA.  I don't recall why I chose v15.  Perhaps Java is using another RSA signature function.
There are no explicit tests for this signature.  There is a test inside of the CryptoX509Test  (#verifySHA1WithRSAEncryptionFromParentCertificate: ), but it isn't used as the certificate that exposed it has expired and so is failing.  I removed that certificate test.
Let's talk bytes...the way this works in Squeak is that the RSA pads the SHA1 hashed message and encrypts it.
v15SignMessage: aMessage
 ^ self v15SignMessageHash: (SHA1 hashMessage: aMessage).
v15SignMessageHash: encodedMsg
 | padded toBeSigned |
 padded := ByteArray new: (256 - encodedMsg size - 3) withAll: 255.
 toBeSigned := #(0) asByteArray, #(1) asByteArray, padded, #(0) asByteArray, encodedMsg.
 ^ (self crypt: toBeSigned asInteger) asByteArray.
Presumably the #crypt: function will be the same in Java and Squeak given the same key.  So if there are 2 different signature functions in RSA, I would suspect that the padding would be different.
Still trying to download the spec....
What do you think?

From: Denis Kudriashov
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 11:21 AM
To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Subject: [squeak-dev] Crypto RSAWithSHA1 sign


Is somebody use Cryptography for RSA with SHA1 digital signature?

I try do same result as I hava in java programm
I have rsa private key as smalltalk object. It has same values as java private key object.

But code

privateKey v15SignMessage: message asByteArray  .

returns me wrong result. Its differ from java working test