After looking at Chris' earlier email about filtering the list in Explorers, I decided to play with it.  For some reason it had never occurred to me that you could even do that.  Neat.

However, the behavior is odd, and I'd like confirmation that what I am seeing is what is intended (and/or if I'm the only one seeing it - i.e., if I botched something up).

When the focus is on the list, if you type characters fast enough, the characters typed all act as a filter on the list.  This is as expected.

If you pause a certain amount of time (not long, for me), and then type another character, it no longer takes this as a filter to the list, but rather moves the selection down the list.  This seems to happen no matter what the characters is.  Except backspace, which clears the filter.

Is this expected and/or does it happen in your image?
