[Squeak Announcements] The Weekly Squeak No.7: October 2nd - October 8th

Giovanni Corriga giovanni at corriga.net
Mon Oct 17 19:09:14 CEST 2005

Dear squeakers,

Hello, and welcome back to the The Weekly Squeak, a weekly report on
what's going on in the world of Squeak.

Great news!
This issue will be the last edited by me, Giovanni Corriga. Starting
from the next issue, The Weekly Squeak will be produced by the brand new
News Team! In the meanwhile, please entertain yourself with the second
installment of SqueakViews, wherein Giovanni Giorgi has a chat with
Andreas Raab.

In this issue you'll find:

     1. On the Squeak Foundation, and Squeak usage in businness.
     2. What did the Dormouse say?
     3. Help wanted for project "Kolibri"
     4. Squeak Merchandising
     5. Games package managed with Monticello
     6. Squeak CDs and DVDs
     7. The new face of www.squeak.org
     8. Morphic Wrappers for Squeak 3.7
     9. SqueakFoundation and Coordinators' merger
    10. A demo of a bug/wishlist voting system
    11. OSProcess 4.0 released
    12. Smalltalk Gathering in Bern
    13. How to contribute to Squeak's development
    14. Ariethfa Ffenestri: multiple windows using Squeak
    15. How Squeak saves an image to file
    16. Craig Latta's notes on how tho shrink an image
    17. A Sudoku solver
    18. A comparison between several different laptops
    19. Academic resources on Smalltalk and Squeak
    20. Upcoming Squeak Chats
    21. SqueakViews: an interview with Andreas Raab

You'll find the complete report at
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/5740 .

The past issues archive can be found at
http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/5751 .

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