[Newbies] Re: error trap

Klaus D. Witzel klaus.witzel at cobss.com
Sat Aug 12 01:57:25 UTC 2006

On Fri, 11 Aug 2006 23:00:03 +0200, stéphane ducasse wrote:
Klaus wrote:
>>> Yes. And, into the other direction, even in good core methods one often
>>> finds things like
>>>   ^ dict at: aKey ifAbsent: [nil]
> this is much better.

Why do you call failures in understanding things like this better, Stef?  
Whoever writes such statements, has no idea about an object's value versus  
a block's value and especially no idea about when and why execution of a  
block of code can and should be delayed (not to speak about performance  

> I would like to see caseOf:...removed from the system

And replace it by what? Why would you limit the expressive power of the  
software developer, Stef?


> stef

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