[Newbies] Re: reading lines from textfiles on Linux

Charles D Hixson charleshixsn at earthlink.net
Tue May 16 01:55:10 UTC 2006

OK.  Now:
| fil lin n |
fil    :=    FileStream fileNamed: 'aising/data/technologies.csv' .
n    :=    0.
[fil atEnd] whileFalse:
[ lin := fil nextLine.
  n := n + 1.
  Transcript cr; show: 'lin '; show: n; show: ' = '; show: lin.
 Transcript cr; show: 'normal end after '; show: n; show: ' lines'.

results in:
normal end
lin 1 = 'technology'                                       
'id'    'name'    'cost1'    'cost2'    'cost3'    'pre1'    'pre2'   
'pre3'    'danger'    'typeName'    'typeValue'
1    'Autonomous Vehicles'    40000    1000    0    27    16    0   
0        0
2    'Sociology'    10    500    0    0    0    0    0   
'discover_public'    1000
3    'Voice Synthesis'    8000    6000    0    32    0    0    0        0
4    'Simulacra'    70000    90000    0    3    24    30    0        0
5    ...
'endgame_sing'    0
39    'Hypnosis Field'    7000    5000    0    21    0    0    0        0
40    'Quantum Computing'    30000    20000    0    11    0    0    0   
41    'unknown'    1000000000    10000000000    0    41    0    0   
0        0

normal end after 1 lines
Notice that the linefeeds aren't being taken as line separators.  They
are present, and affecting the formatting of the output, but nextLine is
grabbing the entire file.

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