[Newbies] Fwd: [QUIZ] Happy Numbers (#93)

Markus Gaelli gaelli at emergent.de
Fri Sep 1 13:34:53 UTC 2006

> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=
> by Shane Emmons
> Write a program that tells whether a given integer is happy. A  
> happy number is
> found using the following process: Take the sum of the squares of  
> its digits,
> and continue iterating this process until it yields 1, or produces  
> an infinite
> loop.
> For example the number 7:
> 	7^2 = 49
> 	4^2 + 9^2 = 97
> 	9^2 + 7^2 = 130
> 	1^2 + 3^2 + 0^2 = 10
> 	1^2 + 0^2 = 1
> If a number is not happy than it is obviously unhappy. Now that you  
> have this
> program, what is the largest happy number you can find? What is the  
> happiest
> number between 1 and 1,000,000. I define the happiest number as the  
> smallest
> number that finds the most other happy numbers with it, i.e. 7  
> found four other
> numbers (49, 97, 130, and 10) making it a rank 4 in happiness.
> If you find all these examples trivial, write you program so that  
> it will find
> happy numbers in other bases such as base 2 or 16. From there you  
> can extend the
> program so that it finds happy bases (other than 2 and 4). A happy  
> bases is a
> base where all numbers are happy. Good luck.

from http://www.rubyquiz.com/

Any takers for this one?

I really like the idea of quizzes. I think we should have sth.  
similar for Squeak and Squeakland also.
Or just collect our answers ...



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