[Newbies] Retrieving a list of standard method categories?

Michael Davies mykdavies+squeak at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 15:15:13 UTC 2007

On 09/08/07, Michael Davies <mykdavies at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Conrad,
> Here's how to find your answer. In the previous menu, instead of
> clicking on "new category...", ctl-click on twice it to bring up its
> halos (first ctl-click shows halos for the whole menu, second for that
> item only). Click the spanner halo and select "inspect morph". Three
> key properties can be found in the left-hand list, which will allow to
> you find out what will happen when you click that item: the target (ie
> who will get called), the selector (ie method name that will be
> called), and the arguments. Select "selector", and you'll see it's a
> "perform..." which implies that the real method name will be one of
> the arguments. Select "arguments" and you'll see it's an array, with
> first argument being "#addCategory". Double-click that (to select the
> text), and press ctl-M to find implementers.
> There's only one, and that shows the list being built up in quite a
> few steps, but it basically finds all the categories *already* *used*
> by the classes' superclasses. So there is no standard dictionary of
> categories - it's created on the fly whenever you click that menu
> item.
> I hope this answers your question,
> Michael

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