[Newbies] Re: How to shorten a method (using inject: into: ?)

Zulq Alam me at zulq.net
Mon Jul 21 14:35:55 UTC 2008

Hi Stan,

How about using #detectSum:?

	pTotal := Forecaster testMale meiose
		detectSum: [:strand | strand testRun paternalCount].
	mTotal := Forecaster testMale meiose
		detectSum: [:strand | strand testRun maternalCount].	
	self should: [mTotal = 100 and: [pTotal = 100]]		

Other methods of this variety include #detectMin:, #detectMax: and 
#count: and possibly others.


stan shepherd wrote:
> Hi, I have the following method, that code critics flags as long:
> testMaleMeiosis2
> 	| testSet mCount pCount mTotal pTotal |
> 	pTotal := 0.
> 	mTotal := 0.
> 	Forecaster testMale meiose
> 		do: [:strand | 
> 			testSet := strand testRun.
> 			mCount := testSet maternalCount.
> 			pCount := testSet paternalCount.
> 			mTotal := mTotal + mCount.
> 			pTotal := pTotal + pCount].
> 	self
> 		should: [mTotal = 100
> 				and: [pTotal = 100]]
> I'm trying to shorten it, including various attempts with inject: into: ,
> but with no success. Any tips please?
> ....Stan

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