[Newbies] RectangleMorph vs. BlobMorph

polishookm polishookm at mail.montclair.edu
Mon Mar 10 04:58:54 UTC 2008

Thanks. That's all helpful to know.

.... I'm hardly in a position to critique _anything about Squeak .... 
but having said that, it seems like these kinds of differences should be 
documented or alluded to in some kind of concrete fashion. Relative to 
Squeak advocacy, these kinds of differences would seem to be very essential.

Well, just my opinion at the moment and certainly, THANKS AGAIN, for 
taking the time to explain.

Matthew Fulmer wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 12:33:26AM -0400, polishookm wrote:
>> Thanks Mathew,
>> As soon as I asked the question, I googled etoys image and found the link 
>> and followed the instructions.
>> This now works on my MacBook .... although 120 seems to be about the limit, 
>> maybe a few more ...
>> 120 timesRepeat: [
>>    b := BlobMorph new.
>>    b position: ((500 atRandom) @ (500 atRandom)).
>>    b openInWorld.
>> ]
>> And
>> BlobMorph allInstancesDo: [ :b | b delete ]
>> works too. Although it seems like the image is almost at the point of 
>> thinking about maybe starting to freeze ....
>> My next question: To the best of my knowledge, there's no real comparative 
>> information on the web to suggest one version over another. Can you give 
>> some guidance on this or point to a link wherever it might be?
> No, nothing I can think of. Just familiarity with what is going
> on in the community.
> Squeak.org and squeak-dev/web are mostly focussed on using
> squeak as a development environment, and not an end-user
> application, and so have allowed morphic/etoys to decay.
> Squeakland and etoys are centered around morphic and so keep it
> in tip-top condition.  The other forks (croquet, sophie,
> scratch) mostly use code that is unique to that other fork.

Mark Polishook, D.M.A.
Technology Coordinator
Morehead Hall, Rm 132
Center for Academic Advising and Adult Learning
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ 07043

polishookm at mail.montclair.edu

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