[Newbies] Chess AI

Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue May 27 13:33:34 UTC 2008

El 5/27/08 9:55 AM, "Ryan Zerby" <tahognome at gmail.com> escribió:

> Is there still an official Chess package for squeak?   I know there's on in
> croquet and there used to be one in the squeak distro, but I don't see it any
> more.   I have created an AI framework in java and am interested in porting it
> to squeak, but would prefer using the existing standard as my basis, for the
> usual reasons.

In FunSqueak we have it.
Go to Objects flap, Games

Next FunSqueak.7 brings again Scamper, Celeste.
Also InstanceEncoder and OSC.

FunSqueak becomes official soon, so try it for feedback about polishing and
features still not in the image


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