[Newbies] pretty printing

Mark Volkmann mark at ociweb.com
Sun Sep 28 13:51:46 UTC 2008

Here is how one of my methods was pretty printed.

escape: aString
	"escapes special characters in XML text"
	| result |
	result := ''.
		do: [:char | result := result
						, (char caseOf: {
								[$<] -> ['&lt;'].
								[$>] -> ['&gt;'].
								[$'] -> ['&apos;'].
								[$"] -> ['&quot;'].
								[$&] -> ['&amp;']}
								 otherwise: [char asString])].
	^ result

Yikes! To my beginner eyes, that doesn't look good. What's the deal  
with the excessive indentation?

BTW, comments better ways to do what this code does are welcomed.  
Could I use collect for this?

Mark Volkmann

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